
Links. Here are a few links to websites of people who I know, and possibly links in general that you might find of interest or value.

To visit, simply click on the logo or the hyperlinks.
The website should open in a new window.

link to Lake Erie Pest Control

Lake Erie Pest Control – Jordan Duhame

Lake Erie Pest Control – simply excellent. I didn’t think the pests I had were that bad – just a nuisance but not worth worrying about. They got somewhat worse so we thought we’d give it shot. Jordan sprayed the perimeter of the house around the foundation, but also around the roof line. I could say they were dropping like flies, but more realistically dropping like shield bugs (hate these; they seem prehistorically ugly), asian beetles, spiders, flies, etc. GONE! Now, scheduled every spring and fall. CUYAHOGA, LAKE, N. GEAUGA, W. ASHTABULA (Greater Northeast Ohio).

Link to Lodestar Visions

Lodestar Visions – Kristen Stuart

Lodestar Visions – Superior, Experienced, Professional Graphic Design and Illustration. Kristen Stuart, former Graphic Design and Illustration Professor, Cuyahoga Community College; Technical Illustrator, Health Care and Corporate Experience. Local and International Clients.

Link to Jessica Calderwood, Artist

Jessica Calderwood
Jessica Calderwood, professional artist, educator, metalsmith, enamelist, jeweler. Professor of Art in Metals, Ball State University, Muncie, IN. (hmmm… same last name as mine. Coincidence?)

Security Source logo

The Security Source, Inc

If you’re a security dealer or professional in security, this distributor should be on your list.

Link to Nancy Christie

Nancy Christie

As a writer, author, and short story writer, Nancy is nothing less than a writer’s writer. Top shelf. First class.

Link to Ray McNiece

Ray McNiece – Page to Stage Productions
Ray McNiece is an internationally performing poet, poet laureate, writer, actor, musician, educator, and more. More than worth it is a visit to his website. Performs locally here in Cleveland.

Link to NCAC, National Coalition Against Censorship

NCAC: It is what it says. Against censorship. Stop censorship. What hurts you is that someone else, someone, has stolen your freedom and your choice. “Better to know than not to know.” It is the little minds and stunted hearts that, in censoring, take control to try to shape your mind and what you think. Resist. Fight. Revolt.

Writing, link to poetry, short stories, of Don Calderwood Poems, poetry, etc. Not much there at all right now, as just starting out anew.